![]() The best way to ensure you are getting the most nutrients possible is to eat vegetables and fruits as close to coming off the vine or branch as possible. So be sure to take advantage of any local, fresh vegetables and fruits in your area! The longer vegetables and fruits are off the vine or branch the more breakdown of nutrients occur. While buying fresh produce at the grocery store is good, this produce is often picked weeks earlier in another state or country meaning it’s been sitting for weeks of the vine or branch and is constantly losing more and more nutrients. For this reason planting your own produce or buying from a local farmer or farmer’s market is the best way to ensure it’s fresh and has the most nutrients possible. Fresh then frozen, then dried, canned and juice last Fresh is best followed by frozen which is actually a great alternative to fresh. This is especially true when a vegetable or fruit is out of season. Because of the way produce is frozen, minimal nutrients are actually lost in the process (make sure there is no added sugar). Dried fruit with no added sugar comes in third followed by dried fruit with added sugar. Next are canned vegetables and fruits because they usually have added sugar and salt. And in last place is juice, which actually counts towards your 10% of unhealthy food. To recap, the hierarchy for vegetables and fruits goes like this: fresh off the branch or vine, then frozen, dried, canned and juice. Want to learn more about eating healthy? Click
![]() Over the past 50 years, the best scientific research has identified what key habits lead to the healthiest lives. In fact we now know what will reduce your risk of obesity, premature death and all chronic disease by 80%. What’s the catch? It can’t be put in a pill or drink and it can’t be bought online. What’s more, this solution doesn’t work quickly, it takes time to work its magic, meaning it won’t give you “Immediate results!!” In fact, what researchers have found is that this solution is a LIFESTYLE, a way of life. There are certain habits the healthiest people in the world practice. Not for a week or month or even 90 days, but consistently year after year. Researchers have identified what these habits are and we provide to you in our 30-day lifestyle plan. Most diets single out one or more particular food groups and demonize them. And they then become the new scapegoat. Whether it’s wheat, dairy, grains, legumes, fruit, fat or something else, these fad diets obsess over one or more foods. Truthfully, they are misguided. But what’s worse, they are scientifically wrong. The result? It sends us all barking up the wrong tree and jumping from one fad to the next. But eventually we always end up right back where we started, confused and still unhealthy. For this reason, statistically speaking you are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer and beat it, than you are to lose weight and keep it off. Diets don’t work long-term. Repeat after me. Diets don’t work long-term. Any diet can and will work in the short-term, but we've all seen that they don’t last. And the research has shown us this time and time again. Health Movement’s 30-Day Lifestyle Plan isn’t a fad diet or quick fix. We are the ANTI-QUICK FIX. We don’t single out any one food group for the entire population because the collective research doesn’t say to do so. The obvious exception is for those who have a legitimate food allergy or sensitivity to a certain food(s). They would be wise to avoid them. But these people are the exception, not the rule. For the rest of us, yes you can find a study here or there to support any fad diet you want. But in research it's important to look at the collective science. And when you do, you find this long-term lifestyle based on our 30-Day Lifestyle Plan. When it comes to nutrition we focus on finding the right balance of foods while helping you learn to enjoy the occasional treats guilt free. More importantly we focus on the habits and behaviors the collective research has shown the healthiest people in the world follow. People who are able to lose weight and keep it off long-term, people who remain disease free and live longer and happier than most. Each one of the 10 rules in our 30-Day lifestyle plan has been scientifically proven to help you achieve the healthiest lifestyle and decrease your chances of obesity, depression, anxiety, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer and a myriad of other chronic diseases. So why a 30-day plan? Because we know change is hard and trying to do something for 3 months, 6 months or a year can be overwhelming. But 30 days? 30 days is doable. So we have designed a 30-day lifestyle plan to help give you a jumpstart on your road to overall health and weight success. If you follow the plan for 30 days, we guarantee you will see success, feel better, and more importantly be healthier. You can do it! What do you have to lose? Take Health Movement's 30-day lifestyle challenge! Interested in being part of our PILOT PROGRAM? We are putting together a group of people to pilot test our plan and will be starting July 1st. Send us a message on Facebook or email us at [email protected] if you are interesting in being a part of our 30-day pilot test. We understand not everyone is at the same level or place in their health journey. For this reason we have developed 3 separate plans: Good, Better, & Best. No matter your current health status or goals you'll be able to find a plan that fits you. Our 30-Day Lifestyle Plan isn't just about nutrition, but includes all aspects of a healthy lifestyle and is for anyone wanting to be healthy regardless of your particular health goals. #HM30Lifestyle #JoinTheMovement #HealthMovement #HlthMvmnt #HealthyLifestyle #AntiQuickFix ![]() Should you be avoiding legumes, fruit, dairy, wheat or other grains? In short, no. A lot of popular diets today single out one or more particular food groups and demonize them. And they then become the new scapegoat. Whether it’s wheat, dairy, grains, legumes, fruit, fat or something else, these fad diets obsess over one or more foods. Truthfully, they are misguided. But what’s worse, they are scientifically wrong. The result? It sends us all barking up the wrong tree and jumping from one fad to the next. But eventually we always end up right back where we started, confused and still unhealthy. For this reason, statistically speaking you are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer and beat it, than you are to lose weight and keep it off. Diets don’t work long-term. Repeat after me. Diets don’t work long-term. Any diet can and will work in the short-term, but we've all seen that they don’t last. And the research has shown us this time and time again. Here at Health Movement we are developing a 30-Day Lifestyle Plan to help you accomplish your health goals. This most definitely is not a fad diet or quick fix. We are the ANTI-QUICK FIX. This lifestyle plan doesn't single out any one food group for the entire population because the collective research doesn’t say to do so. The obvious exception is for those who have a legitimate food allergy or sensitivity to a certain food(s). They would be wise to avoid them. But these people are the exception, not the rule. For the rest of us, yes you can find a study here or there to support any fad diet you want. But in research it's important to look at the collective science. And when you do, you find this long-term lifestyle based on our 30-Day Lifestyle Plan. Stay tuned for more information. Our 30-Day Lifestyle Plan isn't just about nutrition, but includes all aspects of a healthy lifestyle and is for anyone wanting to be healthy regardless of your particular health goals. Interested in learning more? We are putting together a group of people to pilot test our plan and will be starting sometime within the next month. Email us at [email protected] if you are interesting in being a part of our pilot test. |
June 2015
Ground RulesNo judging: we’re all on the same journey, just at different stages so let’s not tear each other down. Categories