With the Thanksgiving Holiday coming up some may be worried about the weight-loss/health goals. Well don't worry, we've got you covered. Here's a little tip to be able to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal guilt free and not put yourself too far back. We like to think of life in 24-hour periods, which is fine, but it doesn’t necessarily work this way with food. Just because the last day ended and it’s now 12:01 AM the next day, doesn’t mean your body stopped using the food you already ate and has turned everything else into fat. Your body doesn’t view food the same way we do. In fact, while you’re sleeping your digestive system is working through the night. Let’s suppose that this Thanksgiving meal you end up eating more than you need for that day. Don't worry it's not the end of the world. This isn't to say you should try to stuff yourself. If possible enjoy yourself in moderation. But if you do happen to overeat, you can make up for it the next day by getting up in the morning and having a smaller breakfast. And depending on how much you ate the day before you may want to eat a small lunch and dinner as well. The point is, holidays, birthdays, celebrations and vacations happen. And it’s not the end of the world if you happen to overeat on one of those days as long as you make up for it the days before or after. As a general rule, average your food over two day periods and adjust as needed. Happy Thanksgiving from the Health Movement team!
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Setbacks Are Normal Everyone experiences obstacles and ups and downs along the way. No one achieves success without a few and often times many stumbles. So don’t get discouraged, this is normal! Setbacks may include people, places, things, thoughts, or emotions. Sometimes identifying and finding a solution to them before they arise is useful. But always remember, ups and downs are normal. The key is to be consistent. Be Realistic Your desire to live a healthy lifestyle will fade overnight if you are not realistic with yourself. Remember your focus is to become the healthiest you, so don’t compare yourself to others. Additionally, if you have neglected your body for years, it will not magically change overnight. Many people give up on their goals because they don’t see immediate, drastic changes. Recognize that change is hard and will probably take time. Those who are consistent will eventually win this life-long health race. Consistency Is The Key To Long-Term Success Everyone makes goals, but only consistent people follow through with their goals. This is the true key to success. Remember that ups and downs are normal but those that succeed pick themselves up and keep going. Choose to be consistent and follow through with your goals and you will be successful. Make this part of your identity. Because at the end of the day, consistency really is king! Become The Healthiest YOU All of us have felt insecure when we compare ourselves to others. But we were all born with different body types, bone structures and genetics. This makes it literally impossible for us to have identical bodies. Our goal should not be to all look the same, but to be the healthiest possible for our own particular body type. It’s important to recognize that being healthy isn’t about becoming the next pro athlete or model, it’s about becoming the healthiest you. Real beauty comes from being the healthiest, happiest, and most confident you. So don’t try to be someone you’re not, just be the healthiest YOU! Your Way Trying to do something long-term that you don’t enjoy only leads to failure. For this reason it is important to find healthy things you love. Find and create a healthy lifestyle around your personal preferences, unique challenges and goals. Then start living healthy, your way. There is no one size fits all approach. Our lives and challenges are different and what works for one person won’t work for another. What plant foods do you love to eat? Start there. What activity do you enjoy doing? Schedule it into your day! This is about your unique preferences, challenges and goals. Make it healthy living, your way. Stop Waiting For A Quick-Fix—It Will Never Come A lot of us are waiting for a quick-fix solution that will allow us to continue to live our current unhealthy lifestyle but still be healthy. Do you see the problem with this? It will never happen! Simple as that. Lasting energy doesn’t come from a bottle; it comes from healthy living. Accept that if you want to be healthy, you have to follow the principles of proper sleep, exercise and nutrition. There are no short cuts. Rise above the fads, diets, pills, and quick-fixes. They’ve never worked long-term and they never will. So what does work? Establishing and living a healthy LIFESTYLE. It’s A Lifestyle It’s time for us to change the way we think about health; it must become our lifestyle. A diet or program is something you start and then stop. Something you get on and then eventually, whether it be a week or two months, get off. This is wrong. We are working towards a lifestyle change. Because healthy living is not a pit stop; it’s a way of life. Research has shown that people who use short-term, quick-fix solutions are more likely to fail and usually end up worse off than when they started. On the flip side, people who are healthiest, happiest, enjoy the most energy, maintain a healthy weight and are more likely to avoid chronic diseases are successful because they live a healthy lifestyle, consistently, every day, year after year. Lifestyle truly is the best medicine.* Get Back To Basics: Proper Sleep, Exercise, & Nutrition Proper sleep, exercise and nutrition are the foundation of every healthy lifestyle no matter your health goals. The mountains of scientific literature tell us that these three things are what our bodies need physiologically every day. Commit to making proper sleep, exercise and nutrition a priority in your life. 1. SLEEP: Sleep at the right time for the right amount of time 2. EXERCISE: Move every day, your way 3. NUTRITION: Eat the right amount and type of food Killing 6 Birds With One Stone Heart disease is the number one killer among women. You won’t often hear that because it hasn’t been make “sexy.” But breast cancer sure is “popular” and has become a “sexy” disease to fight. And there’s nothing wrong this, except that it has overshadowed the bigger problem of heart disease. Well what if you could fight breast cancer and heart disease…and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke and obesity all at the same time?? Wouldn’t that be awesome! Well you can. Because living a healthy lifestyle based on proper sleep, exercise and nutrition fights all six at the same time. It’s like killing six birds with one stone.* Learn Balance We need to move away from the all or nothing mindset. Telling ourselves we will never touch ice cream again, ever, if we love it, is not realistic or balanced. Most people, who try to cut all sweets and less healthy food out of their diet completely, eventually end up binging and worse off than when they started. It just doesn’t seem to work. Too much of anything can be bad, and this is especially true of less healthy foods. Learning balance is the key. The great thing is, when you are eating the right amount and type of food 90% of the time, the other 10% or less leaves you some wiggle room for other less-healthy foods your love. This allows you to be healthy, balanced, and still enjoy your favorite dessert guilt-free. Because healthy can still include your favorite dessert. Smoking, Drugs & Alcohol Just because something is legal doesn’t necessarily make it healthy for you. This is true of smoking, drugs and alcohol. Most of these substances are highly addictive, harmful to your health and should be avoided in most instances. Even moderate alcohol consumption can raise one’s risk for certain cancers, meaning the risks far out weigh any potential benefits. For this reason the recommendation for alcohol is, if you don’t drink don’t start and if you already drink, do so in moderation or consider quitting. If you have further questions you should consult with your physician. *You can buy one of our T-shirts with one of these phrases on it. Click HERE to see them. And remember 5% of all profits go towards our giveback program. Make & Keep Commitments
Self-confidence starts with being true to yourself and your personal values. You do this by making and keeping commitments, first to yourself and then to others. Every day you make commitments or promises to yourself, “I’m going to get up at 7,” “I’m going to walk 15 minutes this morning,” “I’m going to eat a healthy lunch.” And every time you keep a commitment to yourself, your self-confidence grows. But the opposite is also true. And every time you fail to keep a commitment or follow through, your self-confidence is weakened. This is the key to self-confidence. If you have struggled with self-confidence, you likely don’t follow through with commitments to yourself and others. Take a minute and write down the commitments you made this past week and whether you followed through or not. Choose today to be different. Choose today to make and keep commitments to yourself and others. Be realistic, start small, and only commit to things you know you will actually do. As you continue this process, and slowly build with time your self-confidence will continue to grow. Additionally, don’t forget that the way you talk to yourself matters. Choose today to love yourself. Be Willing To Say No In order to make and keep commitments you will have to learn to say no. Life is too busy and there is simply too much going on to do everything you’d like. This means some things will have to go. Some things you would have liked to do will have to take a back seat to your health goals because they aren’t as important. You must learn to prioritize, putting the very important things (like health) first, before other less important things. Our problem as a whole is, health has taken a back to seat to things like excessive work, TV, Internet, video games, hobbies, and other activities. This isn’t to say these things are inherently bad. They aren’t. What is bad is when less important things crowd out the most important things in your life, including your health—because nothing else is possible without it. Try to combine your hobbies and social time with healthy things. Proper sleep, exercise and nutrition must become the backbone of each and every one of your days—they must become the core of your lifestyle. To accomplish this you must be willing to say no to yourself and to others. Your self-confidence and your health depend on it. |
June 2015
Ground RulesNo judging: we’re all on the same journey, just at different stages so let’s not tear each other down. Categories