Everything is created twice. First mentally, then physically. If you've struggled reaching your goals in the past, it's important to make sure your head is in the right place. Today we'll cover 4 different steps to do that:
Find Your Deep/Internal Motivation What drives you, inspires you or makes you tick? Who do you care most about and what type of person do you wish you could be for them? How would this ideal person live and what values would they live by? Take a moment and write them down. This is your deep, internal motivation and your road map. Now, honestly ask yourself: “Will being healthy help me become that person?” Everyone has a reason to be healthy, what’s yours? Health is important to all of us but for different reasons. Whether you want to feel good about yourself, have more energy, feel and look better or want to set an example for your kids, we all have a different reason. But we are all in this journey of being healthy together. Find your health reason, share it and be inspired by others. What’s your reason to be healthy? How You View Yourself Matters—Choose Your Identity Each of us views and talks to ourselves a certain way; this is your personal identity. In the depths of your mind where no one else can hear you, what do you tell yourself? “I will never be beautiful.” “I just don’t have the willpower like other people do.” “I will always be fat.” “I’m not good at setting and accomplishing health goals.” Often times these thoughts come from others, outside influences. But we then allow ourselves to believe them, and begin repeating them to ourselves over and over. Like a script for our life, these destructive thoughts eventually become our reality. This is our personal identity—the person we see ourselves as. Whatever your thoughts, they will ultimately determine who you are and who you become. If you think your thoughts don’t matter or that people won’t eventually discover what you’ve been thinking, think again. It’s simply impossible to hide your thoughts, for they are your life script. Thoughts turn into actions, which turn into habits, which determine your life. If you have always viewed yourself as lazy, ugly, fat or unmotivated, choose today to be someone different. Choose today to be proactive, beautiful, healthy and motivated. You and only you hold the power to become whoever you want to be. And it starts with your thoughts and the way you view yourself, your identity. If you don’t mentally believe first, you will never physically become. Choose to write a new script, choose a new identity and read it to yourself daily, in your mind and out loud. Believe first, then act! Focus On Things You Can Change & Forget The Rest Some things in life are out of our control: the weather, our genetics, the way people treat us. But it does us no good to focus on these things we have no control over. All it does is waste our time and energy. Instead focus on things you do have control over and simply forget the rest. You’ll find that achieving your health goals, and life in general will get better. Maya Angelou summoned it up nicely, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." Find Joy In The Simple Things—Show Gratitude Life can get overwhelming fast when you’re focused on the problems around you. In fact research shows that people who choose to find joy in the simple things in life and show gratitude are less likely to experience stress and depression. It seems so obvious, and yet at times can be so hard to actually do. No matter your current circumstances, each day actively search for things to show gratitude for and either write them down or express them to someone else. After surviving a Nazi concentration camp Viktor Frankl later wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Vivian Greene wisely stated, “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.” Find the joy in your life and show gratitude for it. Doing so will help you get your head in the right place and help you accomplish your goals.
June 2015
Ground RulesNo judging: we’re all on the same journey, just at different stages so let’s not tear each other down. Categories