When it comes to produce, fresh right off the branch or vine is always the best. But if produce is out of season as it is for so many right now, frozen produce is actually a great alternative. Because of the way produce is processed and frozen, minimal nutrients are actually lost in the process. And unlike fresh produce, as long as the produce remains frozen the nutrients are locked in and remain constant. This makes frozen produce sometimes more nutritious than what you may find in the produce section of the grocery store. Just make sure there is no added sugar and you're good to go! For more Nutrition tips click HERE!
Many think of exercise as just a way to burn calories (or lose weight), but that isn’t even the main reason we need exercise. Think of burning calories as a bonus. The real reason we need exercise everyday is because every cell, blood vessel, joint and muscle in our body just doesn’t work as well if we’re not pushing them to get stronger and consistently getting our heart rate and breathing up. Regular exercise not only fights disease, acts as a stress reliever and an anti-depressant, it also boosts your immune system and makes you smarter. Your body simply can’t afford to not exercise every day! Exercise benefits everyone from children to the elderly as well as those who already have a chronic condition or disability, are at risk of developing a chronic disease or are currently healthy. And for those who haven’t been exercising regularly, studies show that this group has the most to gain from establishing a regular exercise routine. But before you start a new exercise program, consult with your physician. For more Exercise Tips click HERE. Your internal clock tells your body when to sleep by releasing melatonin and is strongly influenced by your exposure to light. Your body releases melatonin so you are naturally active when it’s light and sleepy when it’s dark. For this reason, when and how much you expose yourself to light becomes an integral part of setting a proper sleeping pattern. Following the sun’s patterns is the best and simplest way to do this and was a lot easier to do before electricity was invented. Today we are constantly exposed to bright light after dark, which makes it difficult for our internal clocks to know when to sleep. For these reasons, it’s important to expose yourself to bright light during the day, (preferably natural light), avoid bright lights at least one hour before bed, and sleep in a dark environment. You can even use light to help alter your sleep schedule. If you are having a hard time going to bed at night, start your day with more light exposure (if possible natural light). Then end your day by dimming the lights in your house and avoiding light from electronics like TVs, computers and smart phones at least one hour before bed. For more Sleep Tips click HERE. As parents you have the greatest influence, for better or worse, on your kids' health habits. First and foremost they will follow your example. If you are practicing poor sleep, exercise, nutrition or other health habits they are more likely to follow. New research out this past week highlights how important it is to get kids on the right track before the age of five. What the researchers found was that the weight of a child at age of five was a great predictor for what weight they would be at a teenager and consequently as an adult. This makes the habits set before age five vitally important. You have the responsibility as the parent to provide the proper instruction, environment, means and timing for your child’s health. And the best way you can do that is to lead by example because more often than not they will follow your lead. Commit today to helping your kids achieve the health they deserve. For more information on how to do this click HERE. |
June 2015
Ground RulesNo judging: we’re all on the same journey, just at different stages so let’s not tear each other down. Categories