No matter what you like to do, find something active you enjoy and do it consistently. Remember, exercise is anything you enjoy that gets your heart rate and breathing up. Literally anything. So find an activity you enjoy doing and start exercising, your way. Here are some suggestions:
Terri Crow
4/10/2014 03:37:21 am
I'm so glad I found this blog - somehow I totally missed it!! I'm really struggling with the exercise - I know it SHOULD be simple - but it seems even with my very best intentions, I go days without getting any exercise because I just don't have time. My lunch hour is actually only 1/2 hour and I use it to pick up Amethyst from her school bus and take her to her afternoon activities - so lunch is out. I guess I could sleep less but right now I get 7 hours which is about my minimum so that I can function during the day. I have evening meetings, visits to be made, homework with Amethyst, etc. etc. I know I shouldn't exercise after 9 p.m. if I'm going to bed at 10:30 - and I shouldn't eat dinner too late either - so it's a toss up - do I exercise OR eat dinner - ha ha. HELP!! Suggestions?
Life is too busy right?!! You should just give up sleeping all together ;) It's hard to say. There is no one size fits all solution, so you;re going to have to find what works for you. But I would say this, don't stress too much about getting a big workout in each day if life doesn't allow for it. If you strip it down, you can can achieve most health benefits from exercise by getting 75 minutes a week of high intensity exercise (as long as you include weight bearing exercises somewhere in those 75 minutes twice a week (obviously more is better, but if you don't have the time for more at least get the minimum). And you can split the 75 minutes up anyway you'd like. So you could do 3 days at 25 minutes each or 6 days at 12.5 minutes each. It's not so bad when you look at it like that. All you need to do is find 13 minutes each day and you're covered. Remember a high intensity is one where your breathing and heart rate are high enough that you can only give one word responses to someone asking you questions. If you move down to a medium intensity it doubles the amount of minutes you need to reach your minimum from 75 to 150. Does that help and make sense?
Terri Crow
5/7/2014 08:26:46 am
Yes - thanks - it does and I am trying - and doing better. Amethyst will be out of school in 5 weeks so I should have more time- YAY! I do weights twice a week for about 20 minutes each time so it's not all bad. Leave a Reply. |
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