![]() A number of years ago I ran into a “popular” kid I went to high school with but hadn’t seen since. It had been over ten years since we had graduated from high school but I immediately began to feel the same feelings I did as a teenager: unconfident, inferior and uncool…just like I had ten years previous. I’ve often thought about this experience and the power of our minds and our thoughts. I’m sure many can relate. As a teenager I never told anyone what I thought of myself because I was too embarrassed. But the reality is that I often viewed myself in a bad light. My self-talk was often negative, beating myself down, telling myself I wasn’t as cool, talented, confident or good looking as everyone else. And sadly, over ten years later, my high school identity (or who I saw myself as) resurfaced instantly…immediately impacting my behavior. Unfortunately for most, this story doesn’t end with high school. We continue to feed ourselves negative thoughts that only bring sadness and hold us back from reaching our potential. Each of us views and talks to ourselves a certain way; this is your personal identity. In the depths of your mind where no one else can hear you, what do you tell yourself? “I will never be beautiful.” “I just don’t have the willpower like other people do.” “I will always be fat.” “I’m not good at setting and accomplishing goals.” Often times these thoughts come from others, outside influences, but we then allow ourselves to believe them, and begin repeating them to ourselves over and over. Like a script for our life, these destructive thoughts eventually become our reality. This is our personal identity—the person we see ourselves as. Whatever your thoughts, they will ultimately determine who you are and who you become. If you think your thoughts don’t matter or that people won’t eventually discover what you’ve been thinking, think again. It’s simply impossible to hide your thoughts, for they are your life script. Thoughts turn into actions, which turn into habits, which determine your life. If you have always viewed yourself as lazy, ugly, fat or unmotivated, choose today to be someone different. Choose today to be proactive, beautiful, healthy and motivated. You and only you hold the power to become whoever you want to be. And it starts with your thoughts and the way you view yourself, your identity. If you don’t mentally believe first, you will never physically become. Choose to write a new script. Choose a new identity and read it to yourself daily, in your mind and out loud. Remember that identity is destiny! There is no one size fits all approach to overcoming these challenges. But at Health Movement we have tried to gather the best research together on this topic and combine it with information and tools to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be. Click on the link below if you would like more information. http://healthmovement.com/learn/other/ -Rich Millar, Founder of Health Movement
Terri Crow
4/10/2014 01:15:08 am
This is probably the #1 stumbling block in accomplishing our goals - it seems so simple - just change your "self-talk" but in reality it is probably one of the most difficult things we will ever do. I'm having problems with Amethyst at school because she has been told since she was little that she "can't do this - or that - because she has a learning disability" - that is so entrenched in her mind that I can't break through. I've tried using the example of circus elephants - they train them from when they are babies - they have a heavy chain around one leg attached to a stake so they can't pull away - as they get older the chain gets smaller - even just a piece of rope attached to a stake in the ground. Because they couldn't get away when they were babies when they had something around their leg - as adults they don't even try when in fact they could easily pull that little stake right out of the ground. Our thoughts are SO powerful - they can make or break us.
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June 2015
Ground RulesNo judging: we’re all on the same journey, just at different stages so let’s not tear each other down. Categories